
LNP Manager update


Matt Whitney







The purpose of this paper is to provide LNP Board members with a general update on the work of the LNP Manager and any other important issues arising. This includes:

-       Report for Future Oxfordshire Partnership

-       Horizon Scanning and Calendar of Influence

-       Communication, marketing and engagement

-       SENP




The Board is asked to:



-       Consider and discuss the items presented




Report for the Future Oxfordshire Partnership


The Future Oxfordshire Partnership (FOP), formerly the Growth Board, is a joint committee of the six councils of Oxfordshire, together with key strategic partners. The role of the FOP is as follows:


Coordinate local efforts to manage economic, housing and infrastructure development in a way that is inclusive and maximises local social and environmental benefits.

Support the development of local planning policy that meets the UK Government’s stated aim of net zero carbon by 2050, and contributes towards biodiversity gain, whilst embracing the changes needed for a low carbon world.

Seek to secure funding in the pursuit of these aims and oversee the delivery of related work programmes delegated to it by the joint committee’s constituent local authority members.


The Oxfordshire Strategic Vision sets out the FOP’s long term ambition for what the county will be like in 2050, recognising that positive sustainable change takes time, and this paper suggests that the LNP try to align as much of its work as possible towards delivering this Vision. This may be considered particularly apposite given the recent demise of the Oxfordshire Plan 2050. The LNP Manager has begun a process of mapping how our proposed work contributes to this aim.


The FOP has asked the LNP for a report, to be presented at its November meeting, but which needs to be ready (in draft form) by October 20th.


Horizon Scanning and Calendar of Influence

At the June meeting, the LNP Board noted the usefulness of developing a calendar of influence, to understand better the crucial points of decision for local and strategic plans in Oxfordshire to optimise our work in influencing them. The LNP Manager has begun this work with the assistance of colleagues within South and Vale District Council.

One way that the horizon scanning might be taken forward is via a potential Policy sub-group of the LNP, and one or two key individuals have already expressed an interest in being involved. This group could look not only at what is coming up but be well placed to ensure the LNP can influence at the right points, with as clear and singular a voice as possible, to ensure better outcomes for nature.


Communications, Marketing and Engagement


The Strategic Partnerships Team, of which the LNP Manager is a part, has recently recruited a Communications Manager, who’s time will be split between the LNP and the FOP. The LNP Manager is working closely with Becky to map out the needs of the LNP, which will result in a Communications Strategy. The Board will be kept informed on this piece of work.


A pressing need has been identified for the development of website for the LNP. It is likely that this will be a priority for the Communications Manager over the coming months.




Oxon LNP has been invited to join the South East Nature Partnership, a joining-together of LNPs from across the South East. SENP’s aim is


to actively facilitate nature recovery across South East England to underpin a healthy community and a thriving economy.


SENP have quarterly meetings of the wider SENP group (which often focus on one theme or sector) and separate quarterly meetings of the chairs of each LNP.